Monday, April 14, 2014

We Are All Artists

Zippp, zippp, zippp. Clckkk. Clckkk. Clckkk. Not just one, not two but three drill guns going full speed attacking the raw emptiness of the two sheets of plywood. Bit by bit the pile of random sized wood piece are twisted, turned and planted on the plywood. The table saw assists in changing the few stragglers that need adjustments. A screw is fired through the layers uniting the pieces together and forming a masterpiece. From afar the furry is annoying, a borage of noise and saw dust. The neighbor peers from behind a white laced curtain in his window with curiosity, “What in the world is going on over there?” But the three soldiers armed with their drill guns are so focused they do notice, they do not even speak. They are deliberate with every minute as they force the wooden materials to conform to the patterns they are placed in. Each one of the three is giving their best as an act of service and worship to the Lord. As a result, God is the Master of this Ceremony, allowing each cut, each drill, each fastening to be a meaningful contribution to this work of art. What is it? Is it worth all this time? Will the church even use it on Easter Sunday? The true answer lies within the hearts and lives of the artists, not the audience.
Last fall I read “A Million Little Ways: Uncover the Art You Were Made to Live” by Emily P. Freeman that suggested we are all born to create, all born as artists in some way. “…there is one thing I know for sure: I know you are an image bearer with a job to do. And the simplest description I can come up with for what this means is this: You are art and you make art.” (p. 33) We are all artists not just through paint and canvas but whatever stirs our hearts to “create”.

My husband is an artist and is stirred to create effective football plays ( Read: The Art of Football). My sister in law is an artist and is stirred to create new, delicious meals for her family. My cousin is an artist and is stirred to capture the beauty of life with her camera. A dear friend is an artist and is stirred to encourage people in health, fitness and even dance. I am surrounded by artists, each with unique backdrops and tools to live out the art within them.

As I read through the page of this book I began to understand. We ARE all artists, and are all born to “create” something. Freeman suggests, “Discovering what makes you come fully alive isn't the goal of life, but is evidence of life.” (p.56) Why? How is this possible? The fact of the matter is we are made in God’s image. He is the original Artist that created ALL things. It would not be possible for us to reflect our Maker and not possess that quality as well.

So, what is it? What is your art? What is it you were made to create? Find it. It may not come easy. It may take years of searching, testing and experimenting. But I assure you IT IS THERE! You are an artist and you were made to “live” this. So get to it; don’t worry about what it looks like or what others may think of it. Just do it as an act of service to God, your Creator, and watch how He takes a little spark and fans it in to a beautiful, fiery masterpiece! For His glory and honor. Amen!

"...whatever you dodo it all for the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31


  1. Amy, you were made to write. That is your art!

    1. Bridget--you are a constant encouragement to me and I love you!!!

  2. I've been wanting to read that book! I think this is something you've always lived out - and are doing so now so beautifully through writing! - Jen W.

    1. Jen, I have a copy you can borrow, if you don't mind my notes in the margin. Fel free to add to them. Ha! Let me know if you want it and I can swing a copy by...
