Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Art of Football

I pick up my lap top only to see a document left opened, something my husband had been working on. It is filled with X’s and O’s, squiggly lines and arrows giving directions that I cannot comprehend. It doesn't make sense to me but it means something to the football players on his team that will be using it for the first round of playoffs this Saturday.

I take the time to look at the drawing and I am curious how in the world he ever put this “play” together. Regardless of the outcome or success of this scheme, I am inspired. I have no understanding of what any of it means except that I unexpectedly recognize it as a canvas. My husband is an artist filling in the blank pages of a play book that is used each week for his team. It is not for his success that he spends time drawing these things up but out of a passion spilling from his heart to serve God in everything that he does. That fervor within my husband was given to him by the Author and Creator of all things. Football included.

I am not much of an athlete. I have never been a part of an organized sports team. But I know God’s glory being revealed when I see it!

 Prayer: May God continue to receive all of the glory and honor as my husband and the other coaches give their very best to serve Christ and to teaching these young men how to do the same! 

(Image not his actual play but taken from: http://www.donerightmarketingmedia.com/marketing-your-business-online/)

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