Monday, January 26, 2015

One in a Million

I over heard two children talking:

Child 1: “Hey, look. The stars are out!”

Child 2: “Oh, yeah. I see that one.”

Child 1: certain he is the wiser of the two responds, “There are thousands of them, not just one.”

Child 2: pointing her finger to the sky with intention & determination, “I know. But I just see that ONE!”

Do you ever feel like you are just one of the masses? Are you caught in the cattle herd of culture and expectations, being pushed along by the masses? Does it feel like you are just plugging away trying not to get trampled on?  There are 7 billion people on this planet; do you know what makes you any different than anyone else?

Fact: in the midst of the multitude of people in the world, God knows YOU by name. He doesn’t just stop with your name. He knows where you have been, what you have done and everything you have been through. He knows the things heavy on your heart. He knows your fears; He knows your dreams. He knows everything about you and cares specifically for YOU! You stand out as ONE in a million to God, every minute of every day.

Now... you just have to believe it!

Image source: Google Images; stars in the sky 1. 2.

Friday, January 23, 2015

How To Get a Job Doing Something You Would Do for Free?

Here is how it happened for me:

The job search began.  I quit my very part time job to search for a more steady income to cover the cost of private high school tuition and increased cost of, well, everything for our growing children these days. We asked around. I scoured the internet.

We also recognized our limitations in the search; so we took on a prayer challenge (Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge by MarkBatterson). The book suggested: be specific in our prayer requests and relentless in our pursuit of God as we awaited His answer.

Specific Prayer for a Specific Job
·         Monday through Friday, while my kids are at school.
·         Flexible hours because of family things that arise.
·         Global minded company or organization.
·         Somewhere I could feel like I was contributing to a greater cause (that I actually believed in).
·         Nothing I needed to bring home (because of the hectic family schedule once I get home)

Day 40 came and went. I did not have a job. God provided through an unexpected way for tuition. We waited. We trusted God to answer in His timing. We prayed for another 40 days.

I can’t tell you the exact prayer “day” we were on when the answer came. But it came. And oh how sweet the answer comes when it is so specific, so tailor fit just for you!

 It has been just a little over 2 months now in my new part time position at Feed My Starving Children (Aurora, IL). I am certain this position was designed exactly for me (at this stage in my life); it has exceeded every request I had prayed. Every day I walk in to the building there is a sense of home. Hour after hour I handle hand made market-ware from all over the world. I organize and pack up items that will spread the word of what we are doing: fighting against world hunger (and helping provide jobs for the artisans).  93 cents of every dollar donated goes to this cause. And we pray… on the job! We pray to start the day as a staff. We pray over the boxes being packed up on site by volunteers. We pray over every truck load being shipped out.

How did I end up in a job doing something I would do for free? God. God answered our specific prayers in a specific way.

What About You? He didn’t just answer my prayers. He can answer yours as well. What is on your mind? What specific request is gnawing at you because you can’t seem to “move” the situation? Pray. Not just wimpy, general prayers. Get specific! Say it out loud and wait for God to answer. The book we used was a helpful tool if you want to check it out. But it isn’t about the book. Just pray! God will answer. It may not look like what you thought but I know for certain…God will blow you away!!!

Prayer: Lord, thank you that you care about the specific details of our lives. Continue to push us to trust all of our needs in Your care and be willing to wait for what You have, not just what we can figure out on our own. Oh what a privilege it is to receive Your blessings! I am grateful. We praise You for all You have already done and all that You will do! Amen.

(All images from google images search: FMSC)