Walking down a winding, storybook pebble
trail I am whistling along enjoying the songs of the birds and gentle breeze on
my smiling face. Life is good.

From out of nowhere comes a small white box that
mysteriously lands at the top of my stack labeled “rental property: needs painting
and cleaning”; well, it wasn’t what I had planned for
today but it’s a really small box that I only see from time to time. It will
all be ok. My pace is slowing down but I am still moving. I see a sparkly, red
box labeled “small
groups”. Well, I must have that one; after
all, I am an extrovert and need to be around people. I bet this box actually
makes the load lighter. On the side of the box the directions included reading a
few books together. Got it.
At this point I don’t know where the birds
have gone; I can’t hear them singing anymore and Lord knows my whistling stopped
a few boxes ago. But I will manage one step at a time. Just around the next
curve in the path I see an odd shaped, rainbow colored box labeled “hobby”;
I have been looking for this for such a long time. This box is a treasure and
one I cannot be without. Right next to that box is a grey metal container with
the word “GOALS”
engraved in all capitol letters on the top. Oh yeah; I remember reading in a book that I need to have
this one or my life with be meaningless. It isn’t a large container but it
certainly is the heaviest one of the whole stack. As I place it on the very top
my arms begin to shake uncontrollably.
I look to the heavens and cry out to
God, “Lord,
give me strength to carry all of this!”
The breeze swirls around the boxes and
crosses my face delivering a whisper from my heavenly Father, “I never
meant for you to carry all of this; I am the
One who is suppose to walk with you along this path and carry it all FOR
“Pile your troubles on God’s shoulders—
he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out.”
Psalm 55:22a (The Message)
he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out.”
Psalm 55:22a (The Message)
Prayer: May I daily
learn to cast my cares to the One who does not grow weary or tired. He alone is
strong enough to carry everything that comes my way. May my arms be willing to
release these things to Him and receive the peace and rest that only He can
Image Source: Google Images http://www.mylittlepatchofsunshine.com/2006_12_01_archive.html
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