Sunday, May 11, 2014

FluffyTopic: Robes & Other Reminder of Love & Safety

One last post to help enjoy this Mother's Day weekend. Inspired from another bedroom in my house...

A pink terry-cloth bathrobe: What kind of feelings does it stir in you? Maybe you look at it and don’t think much about it. Maybe you think it’s ugly, old and worn out. Or perhaps you think “old lady” because surely no one under the age of 80 wears a pink terry-cloth bathrobe around the house.

For me, it brings about feelings of love and safety. Many years ago my beloved and favorite aunt bought me one when I was in college. I cannot remember why she bought it but she was the kind of person that never needed a reason or occasion to bring you a special gift. She loved to “love” people with every fiber of her being. She was successful at that and I always knew she loved me.

Sadly, when it was too worn and ragged to keep, I had to discard it. Not too long after that my husband and children bought me a new pink terry cloth bathrobe for a Mother’s Day gift. It did not truly replace the old one. It took on its own unique sense of love and security knowing my family bought it for me as a gift wrapped with honor and respect. This bathrobe too has become a treasured item to me around my house (especially this extremely cold winter and my house thermostat never rose above 64!).

So, why do some material possession become so sacred to us? Why do we put so much value and worth in them? Isn’t it wrong to hold so tightly to some “thing”? The truth is that these items are not idols to worship; we know nothing will last forever. However, we cherish these keepsakes because they simply act as “stones of remembrance” of blessings given to us from God. For we know that all good things come from Him. It is yet another opportunity to show gratitude for simple joys or pleasures in life. 

And perhaps we can pass that along to those around us as well…in hopes of creating the same genuine feelings of safety and love.

Bunny Image Source: 
the bed of one of my daughters, who received this on a day when she desperately need to be reminded of how loved she is and feel the safety of her family around her.

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