Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Coincidence? No Way.

God is a God of details. He delights in reminding us of His ever present thought and attention to the very threads that make up our lives. I do not believe in coincidences; I simply point all of those crazy, unexpected little “happenings” all back to God.

Like yesterday… 

I was sitting in the Honda dealership playroom with my 7 year old son Elias. We had never been in this room before but did our best to pass the 2 hours of time we were there to have the van repaired. We ate our packed lunch, played with the trains, and read this silly little book called “Googlies”. A little out of character for me, I posted it on Facebook (again, just to pass the time).

My sister has a 4 year old son named Locke. We always joke that Elias and Locke are twins! (Although one is blond as could be and the other is dark chocolate brown.) Whenever they get together they are attached at the hip… laughing and playing off in their own little world, as if they were twins since birth. They are inseparable and always seem to go out of their way to do thoughtful things for each other. As a twin, I think it’s fair to say with certainty you can’t explain the bonds of twin-hood… but they run deep and are more than any other friendship.

My sister (twin sister) had been to the library earlier on in the day. And wouldn't you know what book Locke had been reading too?

Coincidence? No way. Just another one of God’s sweet and tender gestures of attending to the beautiful details of the lives of 2 little boys that love each other... like twins

Prayer: Thank you Lord that You love us! Thank you that You love the details in our lives and supply us with so many reminders of who You are in those "details" that energize us throughout the day! 

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