Friday, January 31, 2014

Life Feeling a Little Crazy?

We had two extra days off of school; the zipp-zoom and mush-rush of my house was amplified as all seven of us, plus the dog, stayed indoors trying to avoid the sub zero temperatures. Movies playing in the basement. Children chattering and squabbling over space on the couch. Dog barking at who knows what. Even our kitchen chairs seem to chime in with something to say. I marvel at the amount of noise and activity that is actually considered “normal” in my house. It is almost never quiet.

During that time, my parents offered to watch all of our kids one night at their house; instead of going “out” on a date, Jeremiah and I decided to stay “in”. We sat on the couch and got a bit lost in the unfamiliarity of the quiet. We have a beautiful home. We are blessed with five amazing children. But we are rarely blessed with stillness, silence. Maybe you can relate.

So, in the noise of the world, our house-holds, our lives, how can we ever find tranquility? Deadlines. Schedules. Responsibilities. How are we ever supposed to get all of this done and uncover serenity in this life? We need an answer… a quick one though because we don’t have time for a long one. The solution: time alone with God.

The Psalmist describes it as:  

I’m asking God for one thing,
    only one thing:
To live with Him in His house
    my whole life long.
I’ll contemplate His beauty;
    I’ll study at His feet.
 That’s the only quiet, secure place
    in a noisy world,
The perfect getaway,
    far from the buzz of traffic.

How do we do this? (Isn’t it concerning that we even have to ask this question?) The answer is simple. Unplug from everything for just a few minutes. Turn off the TV. Close down the phones, Facebook and Words With Friends. Find a place to be alone, close the door behind you and sit in the calm of God… and just listen. 

I know what you are thinking, “I can’t do that. I’m too busy.” Yes, it may feel as if it just might kill us. But it won’t! In fact, I can guarantee a few moments tapping in to the Ultimate Source will improve mood, productivity, creativity and even produce gratitude. This sacred time will carry us through everything else we need to “do” and replace the clatter of our lives with a peace only God can give.

Shall we do it? Let’s steal away & turn off the noise. 
Let’s rest for just a few moments with our Lord.

P.S. Obviously reading scripture & worship music can help too. But sometimes God speaks the loudest in the quietest moments! 
(Scripture: Psalm 27:4-5)

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