Monday, January 13, 2014

A Choice to Make

Is there something standing in the way of you getting from where you are now to the point of living out your dream? 

Is there a pile of people, negative thoughts or just plain old doubt seeping in to your boots saying you can't do it?

Does letting life stay the way it is now sound safer, easier and less complicated?

OK. Fine. Stay there.

---------- OR ----------

Ditch the predictable and chase after your dream! Grab whatever tools you need, hold on tight, and scream at the top of your lungs while pushing through the muck and mire that is holding you back.
You will get drenched. 

You will get messy.

You will get tired. 

With all of the twists & turnsups & downs  
along the way, you just may have the adventure of your life… and end up living out your dream!
I say… you GO FOR IT!!


  1. Here's a new dream. Team up with one of my favorite cousins and she can write about travel or hotels and I can photograph. We can start in Hawaii!

  2. Thank you for the very inspirational words!!

    1. Margaret, the Lord is my hope and inspiration every day. My prayer is always that these blogs draw you closer to Him. Blessings!
