Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Why Cry About Sports?

I never played a sport.

I never cried about a sporting event.

I am not that kind of person. Normally, I find myself judging those who do cry about sports. Pursing my lips, shaking my head side to side and exhaling a “tssk” under my breath with the tiniest drop of spit flying out of my mouth in a full disgusted scoff, “Oh get a grip on reality! It’s just sports.” I couldn’t understand how a sport could hold enough value to someone that losing would bring them to tears?

But I cried.

I cried about a football game this weekend.

Five+ years ago my husband and I decided together that he would leave his paid football coaching position at his school to coach at Aurora Christian High School, a completely volunteer staff. The first year was a difficult transition. After that, little by little I began to see that this was not a position just about football… but that it was a ministry. ACS football is about teaching young men to serve God, serve others, have character and be men of integrity, all through the means of football. It was inspiring. By the end of the second season my heart was changed. I “bought in” 100% to the ministry and it has been a huge part of our family culture at home since then.  

So, why the tears? If the program isn’t just about football then why should it matter if we win or lose? It matters because it is evidence of the depth of meaning and value this program has had. You don’t feel a loss for something that cost you nothing; it holds no worth. When you have invested all you had to give, poured out everything within you, your hope is to achieve the final goal, complete the race and give God glory for the lessons learned through the fight.  With courage and fervor, you want to see it through to the very end. This season, our course got cut short just shy of the State Final game. And for the first time in my life, tears seem to be an appropriate response.

Prayer: Lord, we know You have a greater picture of things that we don’t always see. We trust You to know what is best and to bring meaning in all circumstances.  May You be glorified as we seek to praise You, even when we lose.  We know that You are the same yesterday, today and forever! That alone brings hope for a new day, a new season.

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