Wednesday, November 27, 2013

How do we define "THANKFUL"?

When looking up the word thankful in the dictionary it simply stated: a feeling of being grateful. Naturally I swapped out the word thankful in the “search” box and clicked on it to look up the definition of grateful. It said: a feeling of being thankful. There are some words that are hard to define without using the word itself. Thankful, apparently, is one of those words.

I didn’t get very far with the online dictionary. Continuing on in my effort to find meaning to this holiday, I am challenged to define the word myself. If I had to use my own words to identify the meaning of thankful I would say it is an acknowledgement or an understanding that we have something we neither earned nor deserve and yet are able to reap the benefit of it.  As an illustration, I can express that as a mom, my heart is overflowing with precious thoughts of my children that I am thankful for. What did I do to deserve these 5 gifts in my life? Nothing. I could not create these children on my own; I could not earn the blessing of being a mom. Plain and simple: God is the creator of all things and is the sole factor that has allowed me to be in this position. I am thankful.

As we celebrate this Thanksgiving, may we go beyond making a casual list of things we are happy to own or be a part of.  May we truly acknowledge the Maker of all things, Giver of Life and Lover of our souls.  He has bestowed upon us all good things but most of all salvation. He does not give us what we deserve, what we have earned, or what we can accomplish on our own. He loves us unconditionally and sacrificed His son Jesus to give us unending life in Him.

To be thankful is to praise our Lord and King with our hearts, minds and lives.

Prayer: Our hearts are overwhelmed with praise for ALL You have done, oh Lord! May we be grateful not just on this holiday but every day for all that You give us, even when we don’t deserve the blessings. We are so thankful!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Why Cry About Sports?

I never played a sport.

I never cried about a sporting event.

I am not that kind of person. Normally, I find myself judging those who do cry about sports. Pursing my lips, shaking my head side to side and exhaling a “tssk” under my breath with the tiniest drop of spit flying out of my mouth in a full disgusted scoff, “Oh get a grip on reality! It’s just sports.” I couldn’t understand how a sport could hold enough value to someone that losing would bring them to tears?

But I cried.

I cried about a football game this weekend.

Five+ years ago my husband and I decided together that he would leave his paid football coaching position at his school to coach at Aurora Christian High School, a completely volunteer staff. The first year was a difficult transition. After that, little by little I began to see that this was not a position just about football… but that it was a ministry. ACS football is about teaching young men to serve God, serve others, have character and be men of integrity, all through the means of football. It was inspiring. By the end of the second season my heart was changed. I “bought in” 100% to the ministry and it has been a huge part of our family culture at home since then.  

So, why the tears? If the program isn’t just about football then why should it matter if we win or lose? It matters because it is evidence of the depth of meaning and value this program has had. You don’t feel a loss for something that cost you nothing; it holds no worth. When you have invested all you had to give, poured out everything within you, your hope is to achieve the final goal, complete the race and give God glory for the lessons learned through the fight.  With courage and fervor, you want to see it through to the very end. This season, our course got cut short just shy of the State Final game. And for the first time in my life, tears seem to be an appropriate response.

Prayer: Lord, we know You have a greater picture of things that we don’t always see. We trust You to know what is best and to bring meaning in all circumstances.  May You be glorified as we seek to praise You, even when we lose.  We know that You are the same yesterday, today and forever! That alone brings hope for a new day, a new season.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Things no one ever told me...

No one ever told me…

  • ©      Gray hairs grow in standing straight up!
  • ©      I would love sledding just as much as an adult as I did when I was a kid! Whee!
  • ©      I would be swept off my feet by the preschoolers I taught for 12+ years at church. (I thought I was just supposed to be filling a spot on the schedule; boy was that wrong.)
  • ©      I would walk out of the hospital with my first baby STILL looking pregnant.
  • ©      I would not be able to jump rope without a diaper on after giving birth to a total of 6 children.
  • ©      I would learn first-hand that attachment disorders are very common with adopted children.
  • ©      I would not mind unintentionally accessorizing with dog hair on all of my clothes because it’s worth having my beloved pup around.
  • ©      I would “buy in” to a football program so much so that I even watch “film” sometimes just to educate myself about the game (and spend more time with my hubby!).
  • ©      I would cherish my children more and more with every new day I am their mama. They are a gift beyond measure.
  • ©      I would know a deeper love than I can ever explain with my husband, not just because of good times but even more so through all of the tough bumps in the road of life together as a union of “one”.
  • ©      I would live out an adventure every single day just by surrendering my life to God and all of His crazy ways of changing the world around me. And oh, I am so glad I did!

But why would they? They would have ruined the surprise… and so many more to come!

Prayer: Lord, thank you so much for the joy of every unique possibility that comes with the dawning of a new day. I am so grateful for the amazing people I get to share life with. I take great comfort and peace from the fact that no matter how difficult life gets at times, YOU are always with me. I can’t wait to see all that you still have in store for our journey together; may it bring glory to Your name!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Anyone want to go sledding?

Little tiny white flakes fall from the sky, each unique in their makeup. The first snowfall each winter season seems to bring out the most vibrant emotion within us: ranging from love to disdain (depending on whether or not you were born in Arkansas--shout out to my peeps at The Well). Today there is sufficient amount of the little frozen morsels to actually leave a distinction of what is snow and what is not. We find ourselves getting lost in the panoramic view from our window upstairs. My son squeals with delight as he declares from a true longing in his soul,

“Mommy, there is just enough snow to go on the neighbors roof and sled down it!”

Oh, there are possibilities where we least expect them. Yes, indeed. May you go out on to the rooftop of your dreams TODAY and find a way to soar through an adventure that could not, should not, would not be there except for the astonishing contours of God’s hand at work!

Happy sledding!

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26—claiming it again and again!

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Truth About Adoption

November is National Adoption Month. As a result, for the last 2 Saturdays on my way to work I have been able to listen to story after story on the radio celebrating and promoting adoption. They were the kind of stories that could pull on the heart strings of anyone with a pulse. These warm narratives created images of precious children and declared the power of change that adoption has made over their lives. The words over the broadcast seem to paint a picture of a soft, squishy little cloth storybook we would sit down by the fire with and read to our children before bedtime.  

With your permission, I want to be honest.

Adoption is not a storybook. It is not a cute, cuddly little story with the last page filled with a single happy ending. Not every part of adoption stories can be shared over a cup of hot cocoa and mini marshmallows. There was neglect, malnourishment and trauma for these children that we will never fully know about. Receiving orphans in to your home can be messy, complicated, and down right ugly. Adoption is about reality.

Adoption is not a storybook. It is an ongoing journey, with all kinds of things ranging from throwing fits to dull routines, counseling sessions to missing out on things others get to do but more than anything, lots of unanswered questions. There is not that sweet country song playing in the background to the family slide shows; some memories being made through the struggles of life with adopted children are better off not being captured on film. Adoption is a work in progress.

Adoption is not a storybook. It is a reminder of my own brokenness and sinful nature that once drew me to the Savior. My heart and life was messy, complicated, and down right ugly. I surrendered it all at the foot of the cross. He loved me despite my own failings, took me in and offered me a new life. I didn’t do anything to deserve His love but God loved me anyway. I am His and He is mine. I am forever a member of His family.  Adoption is available to everyone.

Adoption is not a storybook. It is an open door at the end of our own human strength and an invitation to the Almighty to step in and do what I am incapable of doing as a person, as a parent. God takes what is broken and makes it whole. God takes what is hurting and heals it. God takes what is tired and weary and restores it, giving it new life. God takes what are lost and lonely pieces and makes them a family: a forever family!  Adoption is a gift.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you adopted me in to Your family. I receive Your love and know that it is all I need. I pray that that love would also carry over in to the lives of the children in my life, adopted and biological. May You receive glory for all that You are doing in our lives together as a family, each and every day.  

“For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One he loves. Ephesians 1:4-6

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Embrace the day

I walk up the stairs to awaken my two youngest children for school. My son is already up, coming out of the bedroom. He gazes at me with dark brown eyes welled up with joy and peace. The broad smile on his face is a doorway of freedom to love, to laugh and to relish life. He stretches out his arms as wide as they can reach, expectant and ready to grab hold of any adventure. With a running start, he jumps up into my arms and squeezes my neck. In his gentle squeak he says, “Good morning Mommy!”

May we all start our day in the same innocence of my six year old little boy. Just as he does, may we whole heartedly believe ANYTHING is possible. With fully out-stretched arms may we embrace all that God has in store for us… TODAY!

“With man this is impossible
but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

Monday, November 4, 2013

Helping Our Kids Make Big Decisions

Her head tilts to the left as she combs the loose curls out of her face. She writes the rough draft in pencil and is scribbling away with a seriousness beyond her years. She has been dreaming about this for 5 years and the day has finally come to see what God will do. She is filling out an application to a school she has fallen in love with and wants to attend for high school. The only thing that holds her back: the cost of tuition.

So, we pray.  

My husband has been a football coach for Aurora Christian School for 5 seasons now. As a part of this completely volunteer coaching staff, ACS has been a ministry outlet for Jeremiah and has turned in to quite an amazing journey for us as a family. In the process of investing time, energy, and our weekends to this school, one of our children has been growing a passion we did not expect.

So, we pray for her.  

This isn’t the first time we have prayed a BIG prayer. We have witnessed so many amazing things God has done in the course of our 15+ years together. So, why does this feel different? This time the stakes feel higher. It is not my hopes and dreams on the line here; they are my daughter’s.  They are sacred desires she has held on to for so long. There is a beating within my heart as a mom that wants to promise her the world, sky’s the limit, dream up anything! But as a single income family with 5 kids, our checkbook cannot come close to covering the cost of every wish and aspiration for our children.  

So, we teach her to pray.

I cling to the familiar verse in Isaiah 29 about God knowing His plans for us, for a hope and a future (even used a few weeks ago in a previous blog entry). I wish I could twist it, bend it and wrap it up with a pretty bow on top to mean that my daughter will get what she wants. But is that how prayer works? Continuing on in the passage God says, You will come to me and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will search for me, and when you search for me with all your heart, you will find me. I need to alter my previous statement. I do want my children to dream up big dreams and know no limits in that. But more than anything, the deepest yearning within my soul is that they would seek God and find Him as their own Savior in all they do. Everything else is secondary.

Prayer: God, I thank you for every opportunity to pray BIG prayers. We recognize this is an invitation for us to know You more… and to see amazing things happen for Your glory. ! I don’t have all of the answers or the resources to clearly direct her path but You do; I pray that as my daughter seeks Your direction and provision for this decision that beyond all else, she would find more and more of YOU! I pray this with all of my heart. Amen. 

(imagine source: google images: praying with children's hands)