Thursday, February 6, 2014

I Don’t Always Want to Write About Adoption

I have noticed a well defined pattern with my blog: the most read entries are the ones when I have shared some of the raw, unedited versions of our life with two adopted children (by a HUGE landslide). Words cannot express how much I appreciate the support and interest on the reader’s parts. Truthfully, I am honored that in this busy world, so many people are taking the time to read some of my stories, reflections, struggles.

But can I be honest? I don’t always want to write about adoption. I want to be able to write about fluffy kittens, swing sets in the park or the cool breeze blowing outside. I don’t always want to dig past the surface or the façade of “easy”. I want to tell you that I have it all figured out and simply declare that life is effortless and grand… just grand.

But I would not be true to myself or to God who has called me to write.

It’s not always easy to sit at my computer as the tears stream down my face and muster the courage to share about some of the things that are so close to our hearts and yet so out of our control. To rip off our covering and expose the naked truth with vulnerability about the real stuff we go through is scary. However, publicly confessing our weaknesses and daily battles are done as a yielding to the Lord.  We know that as we discover the end of our rope, there inlays the starting point of where God can begin HIS work. My hope in my writing is to meet you there, at that spot... the position where we must surrender our pride, our reputation and our false appearances to those around us and let God in. In those moments He reveals His strength, His power and His hidden mysteries in the midst of our untangling and can bring good out of anything.

Beauty instead of ashes.
Strength instead of pain.
Joy instead of mourning.
Praise instead of despair. 

There is a temptation to be swayed by the numbers or feel the pressure of pleasing the crowd. I am grateful for your investment of time to read this. Nonetheless, please know I strive to use this blog not as entertainment or an emotional ploy but as a platform of challenge for myself and for the reader. I will continue to write about things God puts on my heart to share, sometimes about adoption, sometimes not (yes, there are a few other things in my life besides adoption). My prayer is that no matter the subject, the end goal would be the same: to draw each one of us closer to God the Father at the foot of His throne and to bring glory to His name!   

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