Starting a project is pretty easy. There is excitement in
the newness and the hope of something “big” happening. Finishing a project, well,
that’s not as simple. It’s tough. It requires us to push past the fun and get
to work. Work. That’s right, I said it. It’s not that I don’t like my letter writing
project. I am honored to be a part of it… actually I am truly humbled at all
that God has been doing through this project, almost daily! A few examples:
- © The school principle pulling over on the side of the road when she saw me walking the dog to tell me (with tears in her eyes) how much she really needed to hear the pep talk in her letter
- © The married couple crying together and feeling affirmed in their recent prayers by something mentioned in their letter
- © A dear woman of God saying the verse included in her letter has been her life verse for years (I had no way of knowing that… that was God orchestrating those details!)
For me to actually finish this project will require giving
more than “average” and to stretch myself beyond what I thought I would have to
when I first started. To finish any project and move ahead of being average means
we have to do things like work on days we want to rest, stay up when we want to
sleep, go further than the fun stuff and even ask for help. Ahh. I know that
last word is scary. Help. Truthfully, I don’t know another 78 people to write
to so I can finish this project. But God got me in to this and I know He will
HELP. He is gracious to help us complete things we cannot do on our own
strength. In the end He gets all of the credit for it as He takes the little we
have to offer and does something really amazing with it!
Is there something gnawing in the back of your mind to do?
Something bigger than yourself that God has put on your heart to complete? Are
you midway through something but you haven’t quite finished it yet? Let’s do
it. Let’s turn off the TV, stop making excuses and just do it. Let’s finish
what God has asked us to. With God on our side, we CAN dare to be more than
Prayer: Lord, take my little bit and make it
amazing! For Your glory alone. Amen.
(Image taken from Google Images found on this link: http://www.cbtownside.com/blog/P130/)
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