Wednesday, December 11, 2013

An Unexpected Gift Unwrapped

There is a remarkable holiday story going around that was caught on video. Passengers of a red-eye WestJet flight could entertain themselves at the airport by scanning their ticket on a machine and a live imagine of Santa would appear on a screen. He would talk to each person asking them about what they wanted for Christmas. Each traveler, young and old, played along and shared items ranging from socks and underwear to a big screen TV.  What an enjoyable way to pass the time while waiting to board their flight.

The cameras then reveal the behind the scenes activities while the airplane was in flight. A group of WestJet employees in the flight’s destination city had been taking notes as Santa talked with the passengers. Santa’s “helpers” quickly ran out to stores, purchased all of the gifts, and then wrapped and labeled them. Unbeknownst to the passengers of what had happened, after landing they stood by the baggage claim, anxious to gather their belongings and get home. The buzzer sounded to alarm them the conveyor
belt would begin moving… only instead of suitcases being poured out of the doorway it was wrapped gifts. Beautiful packages of all sizes spilled out; with sparkly bows and shiny paper the gifts twirled along the path of the baggage claim. The place erupted. As the passengers began to receive their gifts they were overwhelmed with emotion. Children were jumping up and down squealing with delight. Jaws dropped and adults were shaking their heads in awe of the outpouring of generosity. Women were covering their faces in disbelief of being given a gift they neither earned nor deserved. “Merry Christmas” was all they were told!

In this heart-felt video I was touched but brought back to the real meaning of Christmas. The truest outpouring of the season is a gift. However, it is not from Santa or an airline but from a God who knows exactly what we want, exactly what we long for deep within the most secret places of our souls. This a gift we have neither earned nor deserve but it truly changes us forever. It can make beauty out of ashes. It can feed the most starved heart with love and meaning.  It can make us whole. The gift is Jesus! He came in the humble form of a baby but had authority over all the Earth. He lived without flaw and yet suffered an undeserving demise. Then, He did the impossible through His resurrection and defeated death!
Christmas is the mark of the unexpected gift that was unwrapped for all the world: Jesus.

Prayer: Lord, may we jump up and down and squeal with delight as our hearts receive Your outpouring of love. May our jaws drop as we stand in awe and gratitude of Your generous gift: Jesus, our Savior! Lord, help us also to share this gift with ALL those around us, just as You freely gave to us. For Your glory alone, Amen.

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