Monday, September 30, 2013

Being a Follower

“Dad, where are you going?  Can I go?” is the all too familiar question around my house. My nine year old son, J.P., is my husband’s shadow. Wherever Jeremiah goes, J.P. is always close behind asking questions, seeking guidance and wanting to emulate everything my husband does and says. From setting up and taking down stuff at church to spitting sunflower seeds to being the ball boy for Jeremiah’s football team,  J.P. will do just about anything to have that precious and needed time with his father. There is an innate hunger for J.P. to follow Jeremiah’s footsteps.

 There in my own heart I see a parallel appetite to follow my Heavenly Father. I desperately want to pursue Him, ask lots and lots of questions, and follow His lead. But in truth, I wonder if I am as willing as my son is to do whatever it takes to have that kind of relationship with my Father? Sometimes I don’t like the tasks He is doing and think surely He can’t mean me to do them? Sometimes, in a childlike way, I ask a question so many times but forget to wait and listen for the answer.  In my self-centeredness I don’t always find the time to follow the example of how He says I am to live my life.

I am lazy, at times. I am imperfect, way too often. I am flawed, always.

Am I a hopeless cause? No.

The Bible says that the Lord “created my inmost being, He knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13-14).  My heavenly Father knows me, knows everything about me and still loves me! With my deficiencies and limitations God still desires to draw me in and live & reign in my heart every minute of every day. I cannot wait until I am perfect to chase after the footsteps of my Heavenly Father; I can try again and again, fresh and new each day.

So, TODAY  I will choose to say, “Father, where are You going? Can I go?”

Prayer: Lord, forgive me of my short comings and allow me to follow You in all my ways, every day. I love You Lord and seek to know you more and more along the way. May my life bring glory to Your name alone. Amen. 

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