Thursday, May 2, 2013

Will it be enough?

Over the weekend, as I was preparing to launch this Heart to HEARTEN project, I woke up suddenly in a panic. What in the world am I thinking? I can’t do this; I don’t know 365 people to write to. This is crazy!

Shortly after that mini-mental battle, my husband and I sat down to have a family devotional with our children. As I led the discussion after reading the story in the book of John, chapter 6, about Jesus feeding the 5,000 I was literally stopped in mid sentence. I was desperate to help my children understand the lesson of the story only to realize I was in need of grasping the concept as well.  It was neither a new story, nor a new idea but the impact was fresh in purpose as I read it again this weekend. One of the greatest effects of the Bible always seems to be: every time I read the pages, for the first time or the hundredth time, the words always find a unique way to apply to my current circumstances.

It was in that moment, I realized I was completely accurate in recognizing I am not capable of doing this writing project on my own. This is crazy… if I attempt it own my own abilities and strength. But God is so generous in letting us play a part in His greater story. He wants us to bring our feeble attempts, our meager portion of loaves and fish and offer them to Him. Just as Jesus took the items from the little boy, He will bless them in His name and then pass them out to the multitudes. He will make it enough. Let me say that again, He WILL make it enough! Then, when the time comes to look back at this completed project, I know I will not only see how God was enough but will be amazed at the overflow that remains and the immeasurable details God orchestrated along the way, just as He always does.

My prayer: Heavenly Father, I am offering my measly amount of loaves and fish to you through this writing project. Please take this and make it more than enough, allowing only YOU to receive the glory for all that will unfold. I am humbled and grateful to be a part of Your greater story. 

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