Monday, February 22, 2016

Every Child Matters: A Story Worth reading

 It has been awhile since I have written in my blog. I apologize but today I had a story I thought was worth sharing. I work for a Christian non-profit organization that fights against world hunger called Feed My Starving Children (FMSC). You can come to any of 7 different permanent sites to help pack food specifically designed for starving bodies; the food is shipped to 70 counties around the world.

We also have MobilePack events; these are packing events hosted by churches, businesses or groups of people that want to help pack food at a location other than our permanent sites. This weekend I worked at a MobilePack event in Naperville; the goal was to pack one million meals in two days. Here is just one highlighted story...

Sitting at the labeling tables was a mom with two young children. The child on the inside of the table was a beautiful little blonde girl busy labeling bags on her own. The other child positioned at the end of table was a severely handicapped boy, probably around the age of 4 or 5. Due to the complexity of the wheelchair, it was clear this child had very little to no mobility of any of his limbs. At first glance this mom looked like every other labeler we had, just chatting with the person across the table from her as she worked. But then, something caught my eye.  I stopped and took notice: after she placed a label on each bag she lovingly reached over to her son’s clenched hand and gently placed it on top of the bag, then slid his hand from side to side to cover the label.  Lastly, she would add it to the “done” stack of bags and continue doing this again and again.

What I love so much about what we do at FMSC is that we are not just an organization about the bottom line, efficiency numbers or cost effectiveness. FMSC is first and foremost about the power of changing the life of ONE child at a time. Every child has a name. Every child has a story. Every child matters.

This mom could have potentially labeled twice as many bags had she not taken the time to allow her handicapped son to actively participate. One step further, she didn’t even have to bring him; she could have hired a babysitter and not had him there at all. But she did. The actions of this mom were a beautiful reflection of the same mission we have at FMSC. Her son has a name: Aaron*.  Her son has a story. It mattered that he was there because he had something to offer. This weekend, Aaron helped us reach our goal of packing one million meals!

I was honored to be a part of this event and inspired by incredible people like this mom doing incredible things for God with simple acts of love. Amen!  

(*Name changed for privacy purposes.)

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