Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Adoption: Will I choose love?

The brown eyes are larger than life. They have a depth beyond the boy’s  young age because of the poverty he endures, daily. He is hungry and forgotten by most of the world. There is a glimmer of optimism in his smile though. How could I not love him? I see that smile every day I walk in to work (Feed My Starving Children). I see the promise of hope. I know we are making a difference around the world.

But the kids that I see on the banner, magazines and pamphlets are easy to love. They do not sass me or question my authority. They do not complain when it’s bed time. They do not steal from me or lie. They are perfect and lovely, permanently adorned on the wall. However, it is the reality of an actual orphan brought in to our home (not a million miles away) that is not always fashionable and simple. Adoption is complicated.  Adoption is unpredictable. The daily life forces a test of all that I say I am. Will I sacrifice? Will I swallow my pride? Will I muster the grace? Will I choose love over everything else?

Love is effortless when it does not require much; however, the impact is shallow and short lived. Jesus set a better example. He humbled Himself, gave what no one else could give and did it without holding back.  The results are eternal. That divine love has changed me, changed who I strive to be. I am grateful. I am inspired. It is the only source of power that allows me to say, “Today, I will choose to love.”

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the unending love you extent to us. I want to learn to love like You love. Teach me and give me the strength to follow Your example. It is only by Your power that I can.  Amen.

Image source: http://fmscblog.com/from-the-field/pierre/

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