Sunday, March 23, 2014

What Happens When We Hurt

Running around outside at dusk on the summer day illuminated with joy and innocence. It was cool compared to the intense heat of the day. Knees coated in dirt, hands calloused from swinging and playing, feet bare and stained from running on sidewalks. The gentle wind reminded us that it would not be summer for much longer. My mom had called us in but we determined to take one last tour around the yard. At full speed the final lap came to a screeching halt by a jolt of pain surging through my whole leg. A huge chunk of skin from my big toe on my foot had been unexpectedly ripped off and was bleeding, leaving a trail of crimson liquid behind.

The immediate instinct was to seek out someone to come to my aid: a cry for a protector and caregiver. I needed help moving away from the place where I had stubbed my toe and to begin addressing the wound, seeing to it that it was safely taken care of. Naturally my mom was always quick to scoop me up, bring me safely inside our house and take care of any illness or injury. She acknowledged my pain and took care of me with gentleness and love. After a thorough examination and a clean bandage wrapped around my toe, I was tucked in to bed, sealed with a kiss and a nighttime prayer. Despite the throbbing pain still remaining in my foot, I pulled the covers up to my chin in the security of her care knowing I would be OK.

I find even now as an adult some of those same instincts kick in when I am hurt. Last week someone we have loved and trusted for many years hurt our family deeply with their words and actions. Immediately, I instinctively wanted to escape from the situation to a place of safety, looking for someone to come to our aid. Seeking the True source of Help, I called out to God to bring me (us) to a place away from the source of pain. I needed to know God would acknowledge the pain we felt by their hurtful words and actions so freely given. They do not know how hurtful it was, but God does. I offered Him the open wounds of our hearts. In His faithfulness He scooped us up and validated the hurt that oozed from deep within us. The power of God is a mystery but somehow managed to bandage the gaping hole in our lives. God gently administered the balm that began the healing process as only He can do.  Although the pain is not gone, it still throbs in our souls, but He continues to tuck us in each night, sealed with His love and comfort. We rest in the security of knowing we are not alone but in His care and because of that we will be OK.           

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