Friday, June 28, 2013


“We wiped aside the endless spider webs as we walked through the cellar, although there was no brushing away the pungent musty smell. The rickety stairs leading up to the first floor provided a path but not safety or security. The darkness dissipated up the set of steps as the sunlight arose through the doorway leading up to the kitchen. There was a vastness to the room, encapsulated by nothing except a vaulted ceiling that was etched out by large wooden beams. The pathway around the entire first floor was mysterious and without pattern. There was nothing common about the maze until we finally came to the staircase to the second floor. Escalating upward, higher and higher we meandered through a platform of another level of intricacies deep with carpet, varying floor levels and lofted areas of space. Even higher still was an attic that could only be accessed by a single standing ladder leading to a circle shaped parlor complete with disco ball and colored lights from the ceiling.”

One of the largest houses in our neighbor recently was listed on the real estate market as a foreclosure. It is listed a lot higher than our price range, we only moved a little less than 2 years ago and so many other things added to the list of practical reasons why we should not venture in. But curiosity got the best of us. We climbed out of the van and began an informal surveillance of the property. The landscape was wildly overgrown and there were unidentifiable hazards to the yard we could not avoid. To our surprise, a Realtor came by at the very same time we were traipsing through the yard. A short time later, she showed us around as legitimate tourists of the property.  
It had been abandoned more than 2 and a half years ago. A husband had died and the now deemed widow could no longer care for the enormous property herself. It was obvious that there had been no care on the estate for a long time. But as if wearing bifocals we could see the house in twofold: yes, it needed a lot of work… but it also had an endless amount of potential! Seeing past the grime and cob webs, peeling back the outdated wallpaper and obscure colored carpet literally everywhere were particulars of an amazing structure. Almost the entire house needed an overhaul and refreshing but the foundation was solid and invitation to an endeavor without limits.

We departed the foreclosed house we knew we could neither afford financially or with our time and yet it was not all for nothing. I was left so gently with a reminder of how it paralleled the love God has for us (me). Many days I feel broken down and tattered by trials and turmoil in my life, some as a result of my own actions and some uninvited. So often I am a mess and guilty of a foul smelling attitude. But at the core of my existence, God is my solid foundation. God sees past the muck and mire, and sees potential. He sees the endless possibilities of something that, once given a little love and care, could be so beautiful. He knows every single intricacy of my being and knows the great potential behind every one, after all He was the creator of them! He has plans for every detail of my life. He never walks away nor leaves; I am a part of His investment that was already paid for with a high price… to make me a new creation! I am not a lost cause; He will never stop working on me: a work in progress.

Prayer: Lord, I am grateful You see me not as I am but as I could be, never giving up on me or forsaking me. Thank you for your grace and love. I receive Your invitation daily and cling to with everything I have (or lack) each day. I bid you to continue the good work in me until the day of completion (when I finally meet You).

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

What's the Point of Writing Letters?

Why write letters? Why bother taking the time to send a hand written letter to someone who probably already knows everything you are writing? Isn't there something more valuable we could be doing with our time than this? What difference will it make anyways?

Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-fil-A, is often heard to say, “Who needs encouragement?” His reply, “Anyone who is breathing!” (1)

So, if you know of someone who is “breathing”, consider joining me in this effort to incite others with courage or good cheer through a hand written letter! Let’s do it. Let’s take this stressful and negative world by storm and love each other as God loves us. After all, God was a master at first setting an example of writing us a pep talk through hand written letters: the Holy Bible.

Prayer: Give us purpose behind these letters, Lord. Let us be a living testimony to what your scriptures ask us to do: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up…” (1 Thes. 5:11). May these hand written letters draw people closer to You and bring glory to Your name.

(1)  Quote taken from pg 136 in: Blanchard, K. & Hodges, P. (2005) Lead Like Jesus. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, Inc. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Jenn!

Top 5 reasons sharing a birthday with my twin is awesome!

5. At least one person will always remember my birthday: no matter who else knows or does NOT know it’s my birthday, my twin always remembers! We have been able to celebrate all but 2 birthdays together; those 2 were both when I was out of the country and were still acknowledged from across the miles.

4. Double layer birthday cakes: We don’t have to mess with those flat little “girly-man” cakes like single-births do… we get twice the fun with a double layer chocolate cake: one layer for her and one layer for me. (Or I guess we could share with others too, maybe.)

3. Twice the size crowd for the birthday party: “Hey sis, you invite your friends and I will invite my friends and we will have a huge crew to celebrate with us.” (Or I guess in our case, “You go have 5 kids and I will have 5 kids and we will have a circus to help us celebrate our day!” --I love it!)

2. Twofold on the gifts: Twice as many gifts… oh yeah! OK, that’s not really true. It’s probably the opposite. But what is a twofold gift is that she is not only my twin sister but my best friend as well. That is a double blessing better than any “thing” wrapped in paper.

1. Just as God intended: Having an identical twin was a part of God’s plan for us. Our lives were an amazing miracle from the moment of conception (with identical twins it is one egg that splits in half! A miracle!). We share this day of celebration of life because it was part of God’s intention for us. I love knowing the details of that plan! Yeah!

Happy Birthday Jenn! You are amazing & I hope you have a great day!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Feedback About this Project

I am about a month and a half in to this letter writing project, a mere drop in the bucket to a full year. But it has to start somewhere, right? In taking a short time to reflect over the past few weeks, someone recently asked me what kind of feedback I was getting. On that particular day, I had very little to report on. I have heard just a couple people respond back to me face to face and say they had received my letter and even used the included stamp to mail a letter to someone else. This kind of feedback, although scarce, is like a brightly colored flower bloom in a field of grass: exactly what draws my full attention and brings overwhelming joy!

The very next day after my friend asked me about some feedback, I received an email with a link to a blog entry by a college friend who chose to write about my letter writing project. This is a friend that has been an accomplished writer for quite some time and whose opinion I deeply respect. I had mailed her a letter the week previous and as a result of receiving the hand written letter, she felt prompted to write about 4 reasons why she loved the project. I was blown away to say the least. Did she just cheer me on? What did I do to deserve such kindness and love from someone who is busy with her own household of 5 kids and deadlines and… so on.  What a blessing!

Truthfully I love to hear feedback and about how people are being impacted through this project, but I am also really at peace with not getting much feedback; either way, I know God is at work. I feel a new sense of joy as I script these letters each day. I know God has a plan for each person I write to and it is my intention to encourage people in what God is already doing in their lives. But on the days that I wonder if these letters are actually arriving to the purposed destination, when I am curious if the words are received with the sense of the deep love I feel for them as I write,  in the moments I question if the included scripture is the exact verse their heart was longing for on that day… I am challenged to trust God in a new way. It is God and God alone that can meet our needs and make us whole each day. He always provides exactly what we need… even in the form of a pep talk through a hand written letter.

Prayer: Lord, may these letters be an instrument to show Your love for us and Your desire to keep cheering us on on this journey called life. Let the words I write in these letters be a blessing to those receiving them and bring glory to You and You alone!

For those interested, the link to my friend's blog post about my letter writing project is:

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Doing Nothing At All

"I lean back and let my whole body sink in to the frills of the green grass poking at every part of my bare arms, legs and feet. I look up in to the royal sapphire sky that holds no start or finish line. The only sign of activity way up there is a marshmallow trail of a single white cloud losing it shape as the gentle breeze carries it away.  The air around me is almost still and quiet as my mind wanders off, concentrating on nothing at all. In the distance I hear the slight roar of a plane somewhere far off but I cannot see it; it is an overture of the endless possibilities of all of the things yet to come but I cannot see yet in my life. But not today. Today I rest in the peace of the summer day at my grandparent’s house. My grandma will cook homemade macaroni and cheese for us. My grandpa will play bad mitten with us. And life is simple; life is perfect and beckoning me to take hold of this passing moment of doing nothing, doing nothing at all."

As I recall so many restful summer days long ago at my grandparent’s house, I long for the same simplicity in my life. It was a time when “doing nothing at all” was OK; it was acceptable. But now, we have been on summer break for only a few days and my calendar is full of colored coded markings designating how we will spend every day this summer. And I wonder if my children will ever know the pure joy of doing nothing at all. Our culture demands us to be productive and effective with our time. This young generation is not allowed to be at rest with the constant electronic and social media driven devises cradled in their hands at all times. They must also play every sport, take every class and play every instrument. There is no time for rest, even in the summer. Go. Go. Go!

But I wonder: what will they miss in the high speed traffic of life? Will they know the joy of sweet summer slow-ness while gazing at the clouds… innocent days of endless play or swinging at the park… the gentle pace of eating an ice cream cone while dangling their feet off a pier. I am challenged to set an example for them. I want to find a place of rest for myself to sit and do nothing except to breathe in the joy of life, of living and exhale songs of praise for all that God has done and blessed us with.

Prayer: Lord, may I find a place of retreat every day to sit at Your feet in the fast pace of these days. I want to savor all that You are and all You have done. May I slow down enough to hear as You whisper in my ear all that You want me to know and do. I don’t want to miss it… and I want to lead my children to do the same.