Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Happy 15th Anniversary!

My husband and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary earlier this month. We shared the day with our five children and some generous friends who invited us all to their lake house for the weekend. There was no candle light dinner or gifts exchanged, just a sweet, subtle flirtatious spirit secretly shared between only him and I throughout the day. We have not been able to take time away alone to recognize the day… yet.

So, although I have not written much in my blog this month due to a summer position helping run a summer school program in July, I wanted to publicly acknowledge him today. If given one word to describe my husband it would simply be: hero. The definition of a hero is a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal. He is a man who chooses to follow Christ first & foremost and secondly love his family. He is a man of integrity and character tested and proven. He is a gentle leader, coach and teacher that pushes others to live their lives to a high standard.  He has the ability to create a “calm” in a storm (even today at my office at work with a screaming student he had laughing in a matter of minutes). He is not a perfect man and I would never want him to feel like he cannot fail and not still feel my devoted love. But he is my best friend, my ideal and my hero. I am grateful every day that I am lucky enough to call him my husband. I love you, Jeremiah… Happy 15th Anniversary! (... and I am sorry this is so late.)